How to Make My Laptop Faster

How to Make My Laptop Faster

If you’re like most computer users, you’ve experienced the frustration of having a slow laptop. The longer it runs, the slower it gets and it effects the performance issue of your laptops. Fortunately, there are some simple and effective ways to make your laptop run faster and more efficiently. With a few minutes of effort, you can get your laptop back up to speed without breaking the bank. This guide will explain how to make your laptop faster.

Why my laptop is slow?

1. Check your disk space. A lack of free disk space can slow down your laptop’s performance. If your hard drive or storage space is almost full, you’ll need to delete some junk files and unused programs or unnecessary programs to free up space. To check the amount of free disk space on your laptop, open the “This PC” folder in Windows Explorer and look for the C: drive. The bar at the bottom will show how much space is available.

2. Run a malware scan. Malware, viruses, and other malicious software can cause your laptop to slow down over time as they use up resources to run in the background without you knowing about it. In order to get rid of them, you’ll need to run a malware scan using reputable anti-malware software like Malwarebytes or Avast Antivirus software. You should also keep these programs updated regularly so that they are able to detect the latest threats.

3. Disable startup programs and services. Many applications launch automatically when your laptop starts up, which can slow down boot times and drain valuable system resources while running in the background unnecessarily. Use Windows Task Manager (Ctrl + Shift + Esc) to see which programs are set to start with Windows, then disable any that you don’t want or need running all the time by right-clicking on them and selecting “Disable”.

4. Clean out dust and debris from fans and vents. Over time, dust can build up inside your laptop and cause it to overheat, reducing its performance significantly. To clean out this dust, use a compressed air duster or vacuum cleaner with an appropriate attachment designed for cleaning laptops (you should never use liquid cleaners inside a laptop). Make sure that you’re careful not to damage any delicate components while cleaning!

5 . Upgrade RAM or install an SSD . If you find that none of these tips have helped make your laptop faster, then it might be time for an upgrade! Adding more RAM (random access memory) can help improve overall performance since it allows more applications and processes to run simultaneously without slowing down your computer too much – just make sure you buy compatible memory modules if upgrading yourself! Installing a solid state drive in place of a traditional hard drive can also speed up loading times significantly since they read data much faster than regular hard drives do!

How to Update Operating system

Updating your operating system is an important part of keeping your device secure and running optimally. To ensure that you have the latest version of the system, you should check for updates regularly. Updating your system can also provide new features and help protect your device from security vulnerabilities. Here is a step-by-step guide to update your operating system easily. To begin, select the Settings icon to open the feature window

To access the update and security options, navigate to the corresponding tab located on the sidebar. After finding the latest update with all necessary details, click on ‘Download’ to proceed further. If prompted about restarting device in order to complete updating process, do so immediately otherwise skipped until another prompt appears where clicking “Restart Now” or “Restart Later” would allow completing installation steps successfully and hence finishes updating your operating system version.

Methods for identifying malware that has infected your laptop

The first step to identify malware on your laptop is to look out for signs that can point at an infection. These signs can range from things like sudden system lock-ups and slowdowns, to applications running slower than usual or even crashing. In addition, if you find that certain programs will not open properly or don’t seem to be working normally, it would be best to start looking for potential malicious infection. Also take a closer look at the temporary files in your folders, as this is where many malicious programs store themselves or their components and is a sure indication of a possible infiltration.

Another important way how to identify malware that infiltrated your laptop is by keeping an eye out for any suspicious behavior exhibited by the web browser and the computer in general. For example, if your web browser suddenly starts displaying unfamiliar sites and pop-ups related to software downloads or other dubious activities, then this could very well be an indicator of an underlying malicious threat. Additionally, if you notice that some operations are performed on your system without your permission then there may also be something wrong with it – most likely a virus or other type of unwanted program. To check for these issues further download and run a thorough antivirus scan which should detect any problem areas.

Defragment your hard drive

Defragmenting your hard drive can provide immense benefits to the performance of your laptop. By rearranging the layout of files on your disk, it can help make it faster and more efficient when accessing your files. The process is easy to complete and only takes a few minutes. In order to defragment your drive and optimize its performance, begin by pressing the Windows logo key and typing “defragment” into the search bar. If you’re using Windows 8 or 10, select Defragment and Optimize Drivers from the options that appear. Or, if you have Windows 7, select Disk Defragmenter instead. Finally, choose your C drive and click “Optimize” – this will begin the process of reorganizing all the data on your drive for optimal performance and should be completed within a few minutes.

By completing this simple task, you can expect improved speed when accessing any applications or files from your computer’s hard drive – a significant benefit if you frequently use high-performance programs or do intensive gaming with lots of demanding graphics requirements. Additionally, defragmenting helps reduces heat levels which can protect both the internal components of your laptop as well as external devices such as phones

To make a laptop faster, get a better graphics card

Before purchasing a new graphics card for your laptop, it is advisable to explore alternative options and carefully weigh your decision. For starters, many laptops come with limited space for expansion, so upgrading the graphics card might not even be an option. What’s more, the cost associated with upgrading can add up quickly and may not provide a substantial performance boost for the amount spent. Instead of opting for an upgrade right away, it would be wise to analyze all the factors and decide if it is truly worth the cost.

Additionally, many laptops now come packed with enough RAM or hard drive capacity that they can perform well on their own. Going beyond just upgrading your graphics card, consider increasing the RAM and adding an SSD to enhance multitasking capabilities and decrease boot and load times. Upgrading your laptop’s RAM could have advantages such as improved speed when running multiple programs or applications. Moving to a solid-state drive (SSD) would also mean that data transfers will occur much faster than compared to using traditional hard drives, reducing boot and load times significantly.


In conclusion, increasing the slow speed and performance of your laptop may require more than just upgrading the graphics card. Consider other options such as increasing RAM, adding an SSD, or defragmenting your hard drive first to see if these can provide you with a substantial improvement in performance and processing power. If these methods fail to achieve desired results to speed boost your laptop, then it may be time to consider investing in a graphics card upgrade – however, make sure to weigh the cost versus benefit before making any major decisions.

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