How to Speed up Windows 10

How to Speed up Windows 10

Windows 10 is one of the most popular operating systems available today, but it can sometimes slow down over time. Fortunately, there are a few easy ways to speed up Windows 10 and get your computer running faster again. In this guide, we will show you how to optimize the speed of Windows 10 with some simple tips that can be applied in just a few minutes.

1. Stay up-to-date with the latest updates

Keeping your Windows 10 operating system updated is one of the best ways to keep your PC running at its optimal performance levels. Microsoft offers frequent updates to resolve typical software issues and improve computer functionality. These updates can range from minor changes such as security patches to major modifications that include new device drivers designed to help improve PC performance. Checking for updates is a breeze and only takes a few clicks. To access updates for your Windows device, follow these steps: go to the Windows menu, click on Settings, then select Update & Security, and finally choose Windows Update.

If the system finds any available updates, you will be prompted to install them right away. Once you have installed the latest version of Windows 10, make sure to restart your PC so that all new files are properly implemented and functioning correctly. Checking for and installing these updates is a simple yet effective way of boosting the performance of your PC over time.

2. Restart your PC

Restarting your PC is one of the simplest, yet most effective ways to boost your computer’s speed and performance. Most people are guilty of leaving their PCs on constantly, relying on Sleep mode rather than shutting it down daily. Although this may seem like an efficient solution in the short-term, it can cause the memory on the computer to become overloaded with programs and slow down simple tasks such as launching software or accessing files.

To alleviate this problem, regularly restarting your PC allows you to give it a fresh start by refreshing its memory and efficiently purging any unnecessary information that has built up over time. When restarting your computer, make sure you save all of your work beforehand as any unsaved progress won’t be kept when powered off. If you have noticed sluggish responses when trying to open a program or access documents then try restarting your system – you’ll be pleasantly surprised at how much of a difference it will make!

3. Disk Cleanup

Disk Cleanup is a Windows feature that allows users to easily delete files that are no longer needed or used, both manually and automatically. This feature is not only great for keeping your computer running at its best, but it can also help free up much needed space on your hard drive. It can help clear out outdated Windows installer files, temporary internet files, and downloaded program files – all of which can take up a lot of disk space.

In order to use Disk Cleanup, simply open the Start menu and search for ‘Disk Cleanup’. Once you are in the cleanup window, you will see a variety of file types that are taking up space on your system. You can choose to select specific types of files by ticking their respective boxes next to them, or you can choose ‘Clean Up System Files’ to have Windows 10 delete all unnecessary files automatically. This makes Disk Cleanup an incredibly time-saving tool when it comes to tidying up your file system and freeing up hard drive space – essential in order to keep your computer running fast.

4. Delete Old Software

When your PC comes pre-installed with software, it’s important to check and see what applications you need and use on a regular basis. Quite often, these pre-installed programs are known as bloatware – they take up storage space due to their large size, but don’t necessarily provide any real benefit or value to the user. It’s worth taking some time out of your day to go through this list of installed apps, so that you can delete any programs that you never use and make sure that only the ones which are still relevant are still running on your system.

To do this, all you have to do is head over to the Control Panel then Programs and Features section then Uninstall a Program. From here you’ll be able to quickly identify which applications are no longer beneficial (for example they may be outdated versions) or aren’t really useful anymore – at which point you can right-click them and select ‘Uninstall’ in order to quickly remove them from your system without having any adverse effects on the rest of your programs. Doing this will help keep your computer clean, make it easier for it to run more efficiently.

5. Run system maintenance

System maintenance is a vital task in keeping your system running smoothly. Windows 10 has a built-in feature which performs routine system maintenance tasks to help ensure the optimal performance of your PC. These include tasks such as defragmenting the hard drive, scanning for available updates, and checking for malware and viruses. System maintenance can be performed in the background while your computer is inactive, but it can also be run manually if required. To perform a manual system maintenance check, open the Control Panel and select ‘Security and Maintenance’. To initiate maintenance, first click the arrow and then choose ‘Start Maintenance’ from the options.

This will allow you to run scans on various components including disk clean-up, disk defragmentation, scan for viruses/malware, update faulty drivers and programs, optimize startup settings and more. By performing these regular maintenance checks with Windows 10’s built-in tools, you can help keep your laptop or desktop running effectively without any unexpected crashes or errors due to corrupted files or outdated software components.

6. Upgrade your RAM

Adding more RAM to a PC can enhance its speed and efficiency. With the right amount of RAM, you can ensure that all applications and games run smoothly without any hitches or slowdowns. Specifically, Windows 10 OS requires at least 4GB RAM for a smooth experience. If you’re using your PC for more strenuous activities such as gaming or media production, having more memory is highly recommended in order to keep up with the high performance output. To identify the appropriate type of RAM for your computer, navigate to the Task Manager and choose the ‘Performance’ option.

You will be able to check how many memory slots are available in the PC along with type of RAM such as DDR4 which determines how quickly data can be accessed from the drive. Once you know what type of RAM you need, you can upgrade it easily at a reliable store or online shop by purchasing new modules that match exactly with existing ones on the motherboard. Upgrading your RAM can truly help improve the speed and performance of your PC in difficult tasks over time, making it faster than ever before.

7. Upgrade your Storage

Upgrading your storage hardware to a solid-state drive is one of the best investments you can make when it comes to improving your PC’s speed and performance. Unlike traditional spinning disk hard drives, an SSD provides faster access to data and files, reducing boot times and program loading times drastically for a boost in overall system responsiveness. It makes for a great alternative if you need something that both runs faster and quietly due to its lack of moving parts.

When it comes to choosing the right SSD for your PC, there are many factors to consider including the form factor or size of the drive, compatibility with your system specs and cost – SSDs tend to be more expensive than HDDs but the improvements in speed and performance may well be worth it. Generally speaking, desktop systems require 2.5″ SSDs while notebooks fit into M.2 form factors – make sure to double check these before making a purchase as incompatible drives won’t work on your system. With proper research before buying an SSD, you can upgrade your storage capacity without breaking the bank and still get many years of reliable performance out of it.

8. Disable transparency

Disabling transparency effects in Windows 10 can potentially enhance the system’s performance. It may seem like a small task, but the amount of work that Windows has to do to create these effects takes up some valuable resources. To disable them, head over to Settings and select the Personalization option. Then click on Colors and scroll down to “Transparency effects”. Sliding the knob next to it all the way right will turn it off completely.

This is great for those who are running Windows 10 on older hardware or even have extremely resource-hungry programs that need as much of a boost they can get. This simple action will immediately reduce Windows’ workload, which in turn should make your computer faster overall. Additionally, you may consider turning off shadows, animations, visual effects and other unnecessary features in order to maximize performance even further.

9. Defrag your hard disk

Defragmentation is a necessary computer maintenance task. In fact, it’s one of the oldest maintenance tasks around, though its importance has reduced with the advent of newer storage technologies such as solid state drives (SSD). Despite this, defragmentation remains relevant for traditional spinning hard drives and is an important part of PC maintenance that you should schedule into your routine.

Fortunately, Windows 10 makes it easy to defragment your hard drive with its built-in defragment tool. All you have to do is search ‘defrag’ from your search bar and select the drive you want to optimize. Once selected, Windows will automatically rearrange files so they are stored in an orderly fashion across your disk, improving performance and reducing system lag. Furthermore, you can easily configure Windows to run the defragging process on a regular basis so that your hard drive never becomes too fragmented again. Doing this only takes a few minutes and can make a world of difference in terms of performance boost!

10. Disable Game Mode

Game Mode is a great feature for gamers who want to get the most out of their PC’s resources while playing. It is designed to optimize system performance and prevent crashes while gaming, and as such can be a useful tool when used properly. However, it has been known to slow down PCs that aren’t being used for gaming, due to certain resources being reserved in case a game needs them, and this can lead to stability issues.

For people who don’t game or just want the best performance from their PC at all times, disabling Game Mode can be a good option. By default, Game Mode is enabled on Windows systems no matter whether games have actually been played or not. To deactivate, navigate to the Settings page, click on Gaming, select Game Mode, and move the toggle switch to the Off position. Doing this will free up all of your system resources and should improve its performance overall.

11. Check for malware

In order to keep your computer safe from malware, it is essential that you have some form of virus and spyware protection in place. The best way to do this is to use a trusted anti-malware program such as those tested by PCMag’s lead security analyst Neil Rubenking. These products will provide ongoing real-time protection against the latest threats, giving you peace of mind knowing that your system is securely guarded. Furthermore, make sure to select one with a smaller footprint on system performance for maximum efficiency.

Alternatively, if budget is an issue, there are still some great free options out there such as MalwareBytes Free. Microsoft also includes its own free anti-malware scanner called Microsoft Defender – however it is important to note that this may not be suitable for everyone’s needs so doing the necessary research before making any decisions should be carried out first.

12. Run Troubleshooters

The troubleshooter is a great tool to easily diagnose and repair computer problems. Most of the time, it can identify the issue and provide or recommend a solution at no cost. To use the troubleshooter, click on the Start button and search for it by typing “troubleshoot”. Windows provides recommended troubleshooting utilities that can be selected to run automatically or manually.

In addition, other options such as Hardware and Devices, Windows Store Apps, and Search and Indexing can be selected for further investigation on potential problems your PC may have. It’s also wise to go the old Control Panel route by clicking on the Start button and type “Control Panel” to open it up. On this page click on System > Security > Security and Maintenance page then hit Maintenance > Start Maintenance option to run some maintenance scans that could detect any underlying issues within your operating system.

13. Remove Junk Files

Having a slow and lagging PC can lead to major frustrations, especially when you’re in the middle of something important. Cleaning up old junk files on your Windows 10 PC is an effective way to save space and improve its performance. These files are created over time as one uses the computer, such as system and application temporary files, installation packages, internet log history, etc. Although they serve no purpose after their intended use has been fulfilled, they stay on the hard drive and take up space.

One should not rely on third-party software for removing junk files from the PC as this might even slow down performance further. Instead of depending on outside programs for this task, one can make use of the built-in tool that Windows 10 offers for this purpose. Microsoft has designed many easy tutorials to guide users in cleaning up their machines with timely maintenance tasks like removing unnecessary data, flushing out temp files, or deleting unnecessary applications or content stored in device memory storage. Performing these regular cleanups will greatly enhance system performance and speed up processing times across different applications installed and running on your PC.


In conclusion, in order to speed up your Windows 10 PC, it is important to stay on top of ongoing malware protection, run troubleshooters, remove junk files, and perform regular maintenance tasks. By implementing these steps, you can ensure that your computer is running at its peak performance levels.

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