How to Turn on Bluetooth Windows 10

How to Turn on Bluetooth Windows 10

Bluetooth is a technology that allows electronic devices to connect and interact wirelessly. It has become an essential feature for almost all modern gadgets, including laptops, tablets, and smartphones. If you have a Windows 10 device, you may be wondering how to turn on Bluetooth in order to take advantage of this useful tool. Fortunately, the process is relatively straightforward and can be completed within a few minutes.

Using Settings app

Enabling Bluetooth in Windows 10 is a quick and simple process if done through the Settings app. By simply clicking or tapping on the Devices option found in the main Windows 10 Settings window, you can open up and access the “Bluetooth & other devices” tab. As one of the first items visible on the right side of this window will be the Bluetooth switch, all it takes to enable Bluetooth functionality is to set this switch to the On position. Activating Bluetooth in this manner will enable any paired Bluetooth devices to connect wirelessly with your computer, making for efficient communication between your PC and other compatible products.

For instance, using such a direct procedure with Windows 10’s settings is perfect for connecting accessories such as headphones and speakers directly to your PC without utilizing cables. The same goes for linking other types of peripherals including mice and keyboards, as well as smartphones and tablets if they support wireless connections like Wi-Fi Direct or Miracast. This means that accessing all sorts of content from different devices connected to your computer becomes easy if you know how to activate Bluetooth in Windows 10 using the Settings app.

Using quick actions

Windows 10 has a great shortcut for turning on Bluetooth by using quick actions. Quick actions provide easy access to commonly used options, such as networking, display and location settings, battery saver and more. To enable Bluetooth, first open the quick actions by clicking or tapping its button in the bottom-right corner of the screen, or use the action center. The Bluetooth button will be highlighted when it is enabled, meaning that connection is active. To turn off Bluetooth, click/tap the button again. When Bluetooth is enabled, the connected device may be displayed on the quick action menu, such as a gaming mouse or keyboard utilizing this protocol.

Using quick actions is a convenient and fast way for activating the wireless technology of Windows 10 in a matter of seconds. It can be used both for connecting and disabling devices at any time with no need to go into deeper system settings searches for solutions – everything can be done from a single window with just one tap or click of your cursor! Ease of use combined with reliability and modernity make it an ideal choice for various users who look after increased productivity.

Using only the keyboard

Quickly activate Bluetooth on Windows 10 with your keyboard. To do so, you must first press the Windows + I keys, which will open Settings. To access the Bluetooth settings, type “bluetooth” in the search field and use the arrow keys to locate “Bluetooth and other device settings”, then press enter to open it. Once you are in this settings window, you’ll find an on/off toggle switch that you can use to turn off or on your Bluetooth connection.

The process for turning on or off Bluetooth requires no additional installation of drivers; it is simply a matter of finding and activating the appropriate settings within your computer’s operating system. Compared with traditional methods of activating Bluetooth with a mouse or trackpad, using only the keyboard has its benefits in certain situations as users don’t need any additional hardware peripherals to complete their task. Ultimately, having knowledge of how to control your system’s functionality solely through keyboard-powered methods comes in handy more often than not!

Using Airplane mode Settings

Being able to use Bluetooth on Windows 10 is a often used feature, and activating it from the Airplane mode Settings is an easy process. To do so, you only need to open the Windows Settings with Windows + I, then navigate to “Network & Internet”, followed by selecting “Airplane mode” on the left sidebar. Once there, you will be able to see all of your wireless devices including Bluetooth in the right-side panel. All that’s left for you to do is click or tap on the triangular switch located next to Bluetooth in order to turn it On.

With that done, you can start connecting any Bluetooth device like headphones and keyboards quickly since Airplane mode isn’t activated. Not only does this save time but it avoids potential headaches as well. It also eliminates the need for third-party applications most of the time since all of your Bluetooth settings are easily accessible from one convenient location.

Using Cortana

Using Cortana to open Bluetooth settings in Windows 10 is a convenient and fast way to access your device’s wireless connection. Cortana, Microsoft’s virtual assistant, offers an easy solution to quickly enable or disable the setting without having to dive into the menus of your computer. When you ask her about Bluetooth, she’ll take you directly to the options page in Settings, where you can toggle the switch to enable or disable it.

Cortana understands multiple terms and phrases when it comes to information related to Bluetooth settings, so no matter how you phrase it – “turn on Bluetooth”, “enable Bluetooth”, “start Bluetooth” or “activate Bluetooth” – she will always open up the correct settings page. This feature gives users an extra level of convenience and makes it easier than ever before for anyone with a Windows 10 PC or laptop to connect devices over Bluetooth.


In conclusion, activating Bluetooth on a Windows 10 device is an easy process, and there are several ways to do it. The quickest way is by using quick actions, while the most convenient one is through Cortana’s voice commands. Additionally, you can also turn Bluetooth on or off by accessing the Airplane mode settings located in Windows Settings. Whichever method you choose, make sure that your devices are set up correctly and have their own power source before attempting to connect them with your computer.

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