Is Windows 11 Faster than Windows 10

Is Windows 11 Faster than Windows 10

Windows 11 is the latest version of Microsoft’s popular operating system, and it promises to bring with it many new features and improvements. One of the main questions on everyone’s mind is whether Windows 11 will be faster than Windows 10, which has been around since 2015. To answer this question, we must look at several factors such as hardware compatibility, system optimization, and more. In this article, we will examine the features and capabilities of Windows 11 and Windows 10 to determine which is faster.

Better design and features

Microsoft’s latest operating system, Windows 11, is a big visual departure from its predecessors. Its Taskbar and Start menu are now centered on the screen, with minimal design cues and a focus on accessibility. This makes it look much more like macOS or ChromeOS. Users who had gotten used to pinning their Taskbar to the left or right of the screen may be disappointed by this change, as Microsoft has decided to keep the bar fixed at the bottom of the screen.

However, being an advanced and powerful OS, Windows 11 brings plenty of new features like Multi-Desktop support, Dark Mode activation and improved performance. It also support virtual desktops that you can use to keep your working environment organized. In addition to all these improvements, Microsoft is introducing a new Library Hub which will let users categorize files easily and quickly access them when needed. All in all, Windows 11 looks set to revolutionize the way people interact with their computers!

Improved gaming features

When it comes to gaming, Windows 11 is the undisputed king of operating systems. With recent updates, Windows 11 now supports features like Auto HDR and Direct Storage that give gamers a significant boost in performance and loading times. It also has optimizations for running games in windowed mode, something that PC gamers have been requesting for years. Moreover, Microsoft has made it clear that gaming is one of its focus points with this new OS, making it an even better platform for gaming than Windows 10.

To back up their commitment to gaming on Windows 11, Microsoft is seeing droves of PC gamers updating to this OS. Users are noticing noticeably faster performance and loading times compared to previous versions of Windows. However, the company had to release patches first due to some bugs with Nvidia GPUs causing compatibility issues when running certain games. Fortunately though, these problems have already been repaired since Microsoft’s last update and gamers can now enjoy all the amazing benefits that the newest version of Windows brings them a powerful gaming performance.


Microsoft has made significant strides in improving the performance of Windows 11. With intelligent memory management that gives priority to the apps running in the foreground, users can have a more smooth experience while multitasking or streaming their favorite show. Microsoft also claims that Windows 11 wakes up 25% faster than its predecessor, Windows 10 thanks to data that is suspended in RAM while your PC sleeps.

Additionally, Microsoft continues to develop performance improvements since launch, so user can be sure they are getting the best out of their system regardless of when it was acquired. These improvements range from further optimizations on existing features to adding even more features designed to ensure better performance and productivity gains. With these focuses on speed and efficiency, it’s no surprise that Windows 11 has become a go-to OS solution for many consumers.

The apps load at a very fast speed

When it comes to app loading speed, Windows 11 certainly delivers. From the moment I click on an app icon, it loads in a blink of an eye. Gone are the days when I would have to wait a few seconds for an application to load. This has enabled me to open, use and close multiple applications with ease and efficiency.

The stability of my computer has also been significantly improved since I upgraded to Windows 11. As apps are running faster and more efficiently, they don’t crash nearly as often anymore. Even when large applications like video editing software or gaming consoles are in use, neither my computer nor the application ever freeze or become unresponsive due to lack of resources or overloads. All this is thanks to the improvements that Microsoft put into the Windows 11 UI interface – it’s definitely faster than Windows 10’s interface in both speed and stability.

Resume from Sleep Is Instantaneous

Windows 11 has drastically improved the boot and sleep times for laptops. Resuming from sleep is now practically instantaneous, a feature that was much lacking in Windows 10. This is thanks to Microsoft’s optimizations to hardware components and software threads. The company has fine-tuned their call back to the essential parts of laptop architecture that are necessary for powering it on. On the other side, there has been focus on reducing starvation of key processing threads when restoring from sleep mode. The optimization to both hardware and software levels produces a result where users can effortlessly and quickly power on their laptops.

This advanced functionality allows the user to be able to rapidly utilize the full capabilities their machine has. This is because waking up becomes a non-issue, with no delay in running whatever necessary operations they were doing after they put it into sleep mode days or even hours ago. This has been especially beneficial for people who rely heavily on mobile devices like laptops while multitasking multiple tasks at once, as it enables them to quickly switch between different operations without waiting for load times or lags.

What are the reasons for upgrading Windows?

Upgrading Windows is essential for a safe and secure computing experience. With new hardware, software and security features released regularly, maintaining an up-to-date operating system is important in order to take advantage of these advancements. Not only that but after a while Microsoft will cease to support older versions of Windows, making them prone to security threats and other risks. By upgrading Windows it ensures the best protection possible against the potentially damaging effects of viruses, malware and other security threats.

Additionally, as newer hardware and software will most often be designed to work with the latest versions of Windows, upgrading your operating system can ensure any new components you add or software you install will run perfectly on your computer. This can save both time and money that would otherwise be spent troubleshooting compatibility issues between older hardware and modern software. Upgrading Windows therefore not only provides users with enhanced security features but can also provide improved stability when dealing with complex applications or intense tasks.


In conclusion, Windows 11 is faster than Windows 10 in terms of app loading times, as well as boot and sleep times. On top of that, stability has also been improved with the new UI interface. Furthermore, upgrading to the latest version of Windows is important for security, performance and hardware/software compatibility reasons.

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